Simple Squash Salad




– 1 bell pepper – diced

– ¼ tsp. black pepper

– ¼ cup fresh parsley – chopped

– 3 cloves garlic – chopped

– ½ tsp. garlic powder

– 1 tablespoon – capers plus 2 tablespoons caper juice

– 3 – 4 slices of lemon with peel – cut in half

– ½ onion – sliced thin

– 1 tsp dried oregano

– ¼ tsp. red pepper flakes

– 1 tsp. salt

– 1 tablespoon sugar

– ¾ cup of vinegar

– 3 cups diced zucchini



Combine all of the ingredients the salad ingredients in a bowl.


Combine all of the dressing ingredients in a cup and stir, adjust the ingredients to taste.


Pour this over the salad and toss.


Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.


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