Meatloaf and vegetable gratin: the simple and delicious recipe



Minced meat 350 gr

Minced chicken breast 550 gr

Salt 2 tsp

Eggs 2

Sweet paprika 2 tsp

Breadcrumbs 3 tbsp

Parmesan 3 tbsp


Olive oil 1 tbsp

Speck 130 gr

For the accompaniement :

Zucchini 400 gr

Tomatoes 500 gr

Olive oil


1 clove of garlic salt


70 gr




  1. Meatloaf: in a bowl, mix the ground meat with the eggs, salt, pepper, paprika, breadcrumbs, parmesan and parsley.

Form the meatloaf and cook it at 200° for 40 minutes. Cover it with the speck and cook for another 15 minutes.

  1. Wash and cut the vegetables. In a bowl, mix the oil, parsley and garlic. Pass the vegetables in this mixture then in the breadcrumbs. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

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